The town theatre - Corato

The theatre was built after the of the Unification of Italian Republic: Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, at that time mayor of the city, ratified a new town plan that involved the improvement of viability of the city and the construction of a public theatre. In March 1873 the draft of the new theatre was enacted. It was developed by the same set designers who had designed Saint Carl theatre’s stages in Naples. The curtain was a refined piece of art painted by Ponticelli and it represented the Barletta duel (that is a knightly duel happened in the XVI century). The 5th of December 1874  the theatre was inaugurated, and it had been for 60 years the heart of town’s cultural life: grand operas, operettas, pieces of prose, revues were played. In 1985 it was closed and after having been in a state of abandon for 27 years, it has been reopened in 2012. The new elliptical shape building provides 510 seats, three kinds of stages, three direction rooms.
